The Foundation for Agrarian Studies expresses its deep sorrow at the death of Gautam Das, Secretary of the Tripura State Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and editor of the daily newspaper Desherkatha. He was 71 years old, and died of Covid-related complications.

Gautam Das was a great support to the Foundation’s efforts to study rural Tripura. The Foundation is grateful for the help he extended in conducting the research for preparing the Tripura Human Development Report (2007). His support was also instrumental in organising our survey of three villages in Tripura in May-June, 2016. The results from the survey were published as Socio-Economic Surveys of Three Villages in Tripura: A Study of Agrarian Relations in 2019.

The Foundation pays tribute to Gautam Das, and to his commitment to progressive transformation in rural Tripura. We convey our condolences to his wife Tapati Sen and daughter Swagata Das.