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Rural Women Work (At Least) 50 Hours a Week

By Madhura Swaminathan|2022-02-01T14:47:32+05:30October 16, 2017|

Women work for at least 50 hours a week. This is our finding from a one-week labour diary or time-use survey conducted in Siresandra village of Kolar, Karnataka in May 2017. As part of a project on Women in Rural Production Systems, the Foundation for Agrarian Studies team interviewed 14 women on all the activities undertaken every day for a week.

Women’s Work in Animal Care

By Madhura Swaminathan|2022-02-02T14:53:20+05:30May 25, 2017|

In a recent Research Note, Yoshifumi Usami and I had examined women’s work in livestock and animal rearing, and we had argued that women constitute the primary work force in the animal resources sector. While we had data on the number of women participating in animal rearing activity, we did not have information on the time spent in animal care. Information on these lines is now available from a pilot time-use survey conducted last week in Siresandra village, Kolar district, Karnataka.

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