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Rice Cultivation in Kole Wetlands of Kerala

By Deepak Johnson|2022-01-31T15:03:21+05:30December 27, 2017|

Rice cultivation has declined in Kerala for the last four decades. The gross cropped area of rice in Kerala shrunk from around 9 lakh hectares in 1974-75 to less than 2 lakh hectares in 2015-16. There is, however, a traditional rice-growing region where rice cultivation continues, and is characterised by rising levels of productivity.

Electricity Tariffs and Boro Rice Cultivation in West Bengal

By Tapas Singh Modak|2021-11-10T07:20:08+05:30November 2, 2017|

Groundwater is a major source of irrigation in West Bengal, with about 65 per cent of irrigated area under tube well irrigation. Under the present government, there has been a rapid hike in power tariffs for agriculture and it has affected the cultivation of summer crops in the State, particularly the cultivation of water-intensive boro (summer) paddy.

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