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Randomised Controlled Trials and Non-Randomised Politics: What Makes for Good Policy?

By Aparajita Bakshi|2022-01-31T15:01:31+05:30December 19, 2019|

The 2019 Nobel Prize in economics for the proponents of Randomised Controlled Trials fulfils the discipline’s highest aspiration to mimic the laws and methods of natural sciences to explain social order.

De-Regulation of Tenancy in Rural India

By Madhura Swaminathan|2022-02-02T14:47:09+05:30February 1, 2017|

Tenancy reform was an important component of land reform in post-Independence India, and in most States, leasing of agricultural land — or tenancy — is legally regulated or, in some cases, banned altogether. Now the Niti Aayog has published a Report of the Expert Committee on Land Leasing, chaired by T. Haque (Government of India 2016). The main argument of the Report is that land leasing be deregulated.

Gujarat: The Azadi Kooch March and Land Reform

By R. Ramakumar|2022-02-02T14:15:06+05:30August 6, 2016|

The Una incident initiated a state-wide protest movement of Dalits. A long march – the Azadi Kooch March – is being planned by the movement in August 2016 from Ahmedabad to Una. A marked feature of this movement is also the wide-ranging nature of its demands. Justice to the victims of Una is one of the demands, of course, but the movement has also demanded the urgent implementation of land reforms.

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