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Kudumbashree’s Success as a Multi-stakeholder Partnership to Improve Food Security and Nutrition: Report by High Level International Committee

By Deepak Johnson|2022-02-01T15:07:38+05:30August 14, 2018|

Kudumbashree, Kerala’s flagship programme for women’s livelihood security, has been in existence now for over two decades. Its contributions to food security and nutrition has recently been highlighted by the High Level Panel of Experts of the Committee on World Food Security in its new report titled “Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda.”

The WTO and Food Security: Beyond the 11th Ministerial Conference

By Sachin Kumar Sharma|2022-01-31T14:58:24+05:30February 4, 2018|

At the 11th Ministerial Conference (MC 11) of the WTO in 2017, member countries engaged on eight issues related to agriculture. The possibility of finding a permanent solution to the issue of public stockholding for food security purposes failed, as talks at the MC 11 collapsed due to the divergent views of member countries as well as strong opposition by the US.

The Shrinking Policy Space for Food Security

By Madhura Swaminathan|2021-11-10T08:45:20+05:30June 12, 2017|

Food security one one of the foremost goals of social policy in most developing countries, including India. Subsidies for food security can be at the producer level (through price support and procurement), at the storage, processing and transport level and, finally, at the retail level (that is, to the consumer). As per the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), subsidies are permissible except through price support and procurement.

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