The Book titled “How do Small Farmers Fare? Evidence from Village Studies” finds a place in the list of annotations that appear in the December 2017 issue of the Journal of Economic Literature (Vol. 55, No. 4). The annotation shall also figure in the American Economic Association’s electronic publications: e-JEL, JEL on CD, and EconLit.

We reproduce the annotation here:

SWAMINATHAN, MADHURA AND BAKSI, SANDIPAN, EDS. How Do Small Farmers Fare? Evidence from Village Studies in India. Agrarian Studies, vol. 5. New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2017. Pp. xii, 355. ISBN 978–93–82381–97–6, cloth. JEL 2017–1663

Twelve papers examine the socioeconomic characteristics and viability of small producers in different agroecological regions of India, locating them within the broader context of the capitalist development of Indian agriculture. Papers discuss a definition of small farmers and small farming; an introduction to the Project on Agrarian Relations in India villages; labor in small farms—evidence from village studies; cropping pattern, crop productivity, and incomes from crop production; incomes of small farmer households; costs and prices; fertilizer use and small-scale farms; formal credit and small farmers in India; climate change, agriculture, and the small farmer; access to education; the living standards of small farmers in India; and the question of how small farmers fare. Swaminathan is Professor and Head of the Economic Analysis Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru. Baksi is Programme Coordinator at the Foundation for Agrarian Studies. No index.