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About R. Ramakumar

R Ramakumar is a Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

On the New “Land Politics”

By R. Ramakumar|2022-02-02T10:35:57+05:30June 2, 2016|

When writers like Professor Borras refer to “land grab,” they have a series of assumptions in mind. But to begin with, irrespective of the definitions used and areas involved, the “land grab” that Professor Borras speaks of is largely limited to parts of Africa.

Cotton cultivation: Bt varieties and hybrids

By R. Ramakumar|2022-02-02T15:04:48+05:30March 16, 2016|

“The main reason why India has been unable to harness the full potential of Bt cotton technology is that it got caught in the hybrid trap,” writes K. R. Kranthi, eminent entomologist and Director of the Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR)

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