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About Kamal Kumar Murari

Kamal Kumra Murari is an Assistant Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai Campus.

Misunderstanding Data, Poor Analysis, and Wrong Conclusions

By T. Jayaraman, Kamal Kumar Murari and Madhura Swaminathan|2022-02-01T14:56:53+05:30August 24, 2017|

A recent paper, published by the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States) and authored by Tamma A. Carleton, titled “Climate Change and Agricultural Suicides in India” claims that “temperature during India’s main agricultural growing season has a strong positive effect on annual suicide rates.” Regrettably, the paper has received widespread uncritical coverage in the Indian media.

The Effects of Extreme Temperature on Crop Yield in Karnataka

By Kamal Kumar Murari|2022-02-01T15:06:59+05:30July 25, 2017|

One of the immediate consequences of climate variability is the occurrence of extreme weather events, which are expected to increase in the future as global warming intensifies. A study of climate change and agricultural yield in Karnataka, supported by the Karnataka Agricultural Price Commission (Jayaraman, et al. 2017), was recently undertaken to analyse the relationship between extreme temperatures and crop yield at the sub-district (taluka) level for selected crops.

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