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About Deepak Johnson

Deepak Johnson is a JSPS Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.

Kudumbashree’s Success as a Multi-stakeholder Partnership to Improve Food Security and Nutrition: Report by High Level International Committee

By Deepak Johnson|2022-02-01T15:07:38+05:30August 14, 2018|

Kudumbashree, Kerala’s flagship programme for women’s livelihood security, has been in existence now for over two decades. Its contributions to food security and nutrition has recently been highlighted by the High Level Panel of Experts of the Committee on World Food Security in its new report titled “Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda.”

Does Market Intervention Scheme Really Help Potato Farmers?

By Deepak Johnson|2022-01-31T14:56:12+05:30February 21, 2018|

Potato prices are volatile. In January 2018, because of very low prices, potato farmers abandoned their produce in large numbers in villages of Uttar Pradesh. Some farmers even dumped their produce in front of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister’s residence to register their protest.

Rice Cultivation in Kole Wetlands of Kerala

By Deepak Johnson|2022-01-31T15:03:21+05:30December 27, 2017|

Rice cultivation has declined in Kerala for the last four decades. The gross cropped area of rice in Kerala shrunk from around 9 lakh hectares in 1974-75 to less than 2 lakh hectares in 2015-16. There is, however, a traditional rice-growing region where rice cultivation continues, and is characterised by rising levels of productivity.

A Report on the Socio-Economic Survey of Households in Taliparamba Constituency

By Deepak Johnson and Arindam Das|2022-02-02T14:37:08+05:30October 20, 2016|

This is a report on a socio-economic survey of households conducted in Taliparamba legislative constituency in Kannur district, Kerala. The survey was conducted at the direction of James Mathew, the Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for the constituency and as part of an Integrated Social Security Project.

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